Thursday, July 24, 2008

My favorite design project so far... (Re-Done)

Project 3 in 104 (computer class) Above, on and below.

The project had the challenge of finding a way to follow our desired field of design through the use
of a popular computer game called Unreal Tournament 3.

Unreal Tournament is one of those team player, Fantasy, Shoot-em-up games. The best part is creating your own terrain/scenario map to play.

We had to create a space below and a space above the rest of the terrain. Then have them link with moving objects.

I wanted to create a landscape area. So basically no buildings and lots of terrain like waterfalls, Mountains and random caves.

The next task was to present it in a website to put across all the work we had done.
The outcome of the website was really good with using DreamWeaver. It was not as back-breaking as the fickle relationship with other programs. (Nothing going your way, Sound familiar?)

Making a game map for a assignment was good fun. I suggest everyone have a go at creating one. Best assignment ever x)

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