Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Favorite Design Project

My favorite project so far in my first year at Design has to be project 3 for 104 (computering class) Called Above, On and Below.

The project gave us the challenge of finding a way to follow our desired field of design through the use of a popular computer gaming software called Unreal Tournament 3.

If you dont know what Unreal Tournament is, It's a computer game program.
One of those team player, Fantasy, Shoot-em-up type games. The best part is creating your own terrain/scenario map to play.

The task in hand was to create a below space and an above space around the rest of the terrain. Then have them all link with moving objects.

I wanted to create a landscape area. So basically just no buildings and lots of terrain like waterfalls, Mountains and random caves.

Not only did we need to master our skills of the confusing program, we also had to learn how to use three other equally difficult programs:- DreamWeaver, Solid Works and 3DS Max (not including PhotoShop). They were used to make the movers in the game plus website that would host all work done.

After creating all this, the next task was to present it all in a website to put across all the work i had done.
I was pleased on the outcome of the website with using DreamWeaver. It was fun and not as back-breaking as the fickle relationship with the other programs. (i.e Nothing going your way, Sound familiar?)

Making a game map for a class assignment was different and good fun. I suggest everyone have a go at creating one. Best assignment ever x)


Unknown said...

really nice and realistic environment

michaelbooth112 said...

looks like alot of hard work and running with it worked, cool!

Unknown said...

Wow, your project looks so cool! Must've taken you ages to do such detail.